Mandisa Nduli

Lifestyle Science with Mandisa Nduli: How she found yoga and her life essentials

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Welcome to our latest series, Lifestyle Science. These are interviews we are doing with POC leaders in the health and wellness industries where we deep dive into their lifestyle. They give us their personal guide to living well so your in touch with emerging wellness trends, nutrition and self-care for glowing mental and physical health.


Mandisa is a yoga teacher in Cape Town, South Africa and we caught up with her on her lifestyle tips. Keep scrolling to see how to book a class with Mandisa.

What inspired me to become a yoga teacher

It was an answer to my prayer when I was in a dark space in my life. 

I have since changed the word survive with thrive. I was torn between perceived guarantee of a regular income and perceived non guarantee of an income outside of the corporate field. There was a deeper calling to live fully and to reconnect back to who I am.

There was a knowing I had, similar if not more confirming, with my first flow class, the feeling "this is it". It is said, "when you know you know" if you don't know, then you're still thinking and in the question phase.

Favourite Yoga pose

Anything that gets me into a state of meditation. Peace is my natural state and It follows me everywhere. It's in my physical yoga practice and it's in the way that I do  everyday things off my mat.

What I gained as an intuitive energy healer

I would start off with what I have lost first to give you the answer. I have lost and continue to, on different levels, release anything that is chaos/disorder. So I have gained the ability to live in order, in alignment with who I am. It's daily work.

Favourite health supplements

I'm a medicine from nature type of woman. My herbs, my fruits and my vegetables.

Favourite breakfast

Seasonal fruits

Three things in my medicine cabinet

Cod liver oil, Parsley and Magnesium

Favourite workout outside of yoga

I really enjoy leisure cycling on the promenade.

Favourite beauty treatment

Having a clean face and body all the time

Books that helped my mind and  body

The power of now by Eckhart Tolle

The inner tradition of yoga by Michael Stone

Wild power by Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh

Relationship with relationship by Baruch Banar

Seat of the soul by Gary Zukav

My life essentials:

  • Daily prayer so you can live in prayer 

  • Make sure you have an energy cleansing practice daily 

  • Gratitude Journal



Cape Town, South Africa


  • 200HRT Yoga teacher

  • 200 HRT Mindfulness training


Remote sessions can be booked online or find her on instagram here.

Teaching in-person at Virgin Active Silo, The Shala Cape Town Yoga School, Yoga Zone, GOOD Balance and Hot Dog Yoga.


Aerial Yoga, Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga

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